Chaplain`s Corner for 2022-11
Posted by Jim Oxley (Webmaster) on Nov 02, 2022
Good day to all! I’ve been gone for a couple of months, but I’m back.
These are times to be grateful in! Next week we have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote. As Legionnaires, we take special note of this right. Please vote, to put your voice out there.
Veterans Day is coming up. Parades, breakfasts, flag raisings, many chances to get our children and grandchildren out there so we can talk to them about what makes this day special to us. If you have children or grandchildren serving now, call or visit them to invite them to the Legion.
Later this month is Thanksgiving, a special time for us to gather with family, and look at we have. If you know someone who doesn’t have blood family nearby, consider extending your family to include them. We show our gratitude in our sharing.
Next month is a season of holidays. Whatever your family celebrates, let me now wish you happy holidays! Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or other festival, spend time building your family’s traditions and unity.
May God bless you through this season.
For God and Country
Fred Branson