Chaplain`s Corner for 2022-02
Posted by Jim Oxley (Webmaster) on Feb 12, 2022
Greetings comrades.
February of 2022 already and this means our Riders’ Convention is coming up fast. At this juncture, let’s all look at the organization and what we can do to help it grow. We are unique in that any member of the Riders in good standing can stand for any office. We should have competitive elections that are backed by great visions. And yet, how often do we have elections in our different levels, state, area and chapter that fall to the only person standing. Brothers and sisters, we are the most active, most visible part of the legion in California. We can make a difference, but only if we are committed to making a difference. Let’s go to convention with the intent of electing great officers that we can stand behind and that we will support throughout the next term. Then, in our chapters, let's build consensus around identifying state goals that we can build into a vision for our chapters. I appreciate all you do for our organization and read all your FB posts. Thank you for your efforts.
Fred Branson
Chaplain, ALRDOC
For God and Country
See you soon.